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Leaving Your Website Naked and Other Social Media Tragedies- by Brinda Berry

As I roam around the internet, let me assure you that I see and experience some things that make me cringe.  I’m using Gloria’s blog today as a place for telling you about things that BUG me. She lets me get away with anything here, so I think this will post before she notices…*whistling*


ViciousV (CC BY-SA 2.0)

  1. Now that everyone has freaked out over using images that they do not own, I see lots of N-E-K-I-D sites. What are you guilty strippers thinking? We need images. Put some window dressing back on that thing. Solutions?  Read my post about how to credit and use Creative Commons for Images and Music. I found the picture above on Flickr and gave credit to the photographer per Creative Commons licensing. Or join up with WANA Commons, the brainchild of social media guru Kristen Lamb.
  2. Make friends with me on Twitter, but do not Direct Message (DM) immediately with your sales information. I do not succumb to peer pressure, unless it involves chocolate.
  3. And for that matter, people stop clicking on those DMs that say, “Did you see this picture of us together?” When you do, you get the awful, dreaded Twitter virus that sends that sucker to my Twitter inbox. Geesh! .
  4. Please put a header image on your Facebook author page. We’ve moved along to the Timeline view, and it’s fabulous. Or at least we can pretend we love it by posting an eye-catching photo.
  5. I have admitted that I do not speak CAPTCHA. It’s that word verification language on some people’s blogs. I have recently become VERY frustrated with how many bloggers still use this. Stop it. Most good blogging platforms catch spam. Or you can monitor and then delete one if you need to do so.

If you want to know if you can find more than puppy pics on Flickr, check out what I found on http://search.creativecommons.org/ . This one is licensed for sharing as long as I give the photographer attribution and not use it for commercial purposes. I also agree to use the same CC license if I alter it.

Search term used? Hunk.

Hunk in the light

CelebMuscle (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

BIO: Brinda lives in the southern US with her family and two spunky cairn terriers. She’s terribly fond of chocolate, coffee, and books that take her away from reality.

Whisper of Memory Book Trailer: http://youtu.be/PbZ_cjGsjA8